Drill Up, Drill down the Information system architecture
navigation through the organization of complex systems,
hierarchical navigation within a system of systems model...
Your requirements
- Display the organization of a multi layered system
- Navigate (web pages) between the layers
- Drill down for more detail, drill up for global view
- Zoom for better visibility
- Associate additional information to graphical items
- Search the Web page for a definite item (and find it
- Associate documents to displayed elements
- Use your own graphical shapes
- You are looking for a drill-down architecture diagram
- You are looking for a hierarchical navigation within a
system of systems model
To export manually each diagram and set up
manually navigation links is very error prone and time
consuming. |
Our solution Amarco can set up automatically web
systems that enable 360° degrees navigation through the
diagrams and interface of a complex system. You can drill down
the diagrams to analyze the organization of a structural
component, or climb up to see the environment of that component.
This is a full implementation of a hierarchical navigation
within a system of systems model! Amarco generates
automatically two linked webs :
- A high quality graphical Web enabling drill-up / drill-down
graphical navigation
- a hierarchical view of your system enabling drill-up /
drill-down navigation using a treeview
Here you find a live example of a static Web page generated
automatically by Amarco (for best graphic experience, IE5+ is required).
It demonstrates how the analysis takes into account systems,
structures, services, data entities, functions, and related documents,
and makes them into an organized web.
You navigate the diagrams with a click, Amarco has produced
automatically all the required diagrams and associated hyperlinks.
Once generated, you can put this Web on *any* server and provide high
quality organized information to your Company.
The final result is a set of structured information. This
information can be published directly, or used in conjunction with
Amarco Net for
additional information regarding each element rendered. The diagrams are
of a high graphical quality and provide for navigation inside the complex
- You click on one inside element (drill down). Amarco Net will display
the element's diagram and / or its associated descriptive information
- You can drill up the graphical hierarchy of a complex system and
assess the use of a particular element
Note: Please note that Amarco
project, as software tools with automatic drawing capability, is
no more pursued. These information are maintained for historical
reasons, as an example of the 1995-2005 technology!
That said, we continue to apply Amarco
method, as a tool to design and manage complex systems. In the
last 7 years it was applied in financial projects, like
this one. |