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Drill Up, Drill down the Information system architecture

360° navigation through the organization of complex systems,
ierarchical navigation within a system of systems model...

Your requirements

  • Display the organization of a multi layered system
  • Navigate (web pages) between the layers
  • Drill down for more detail, drill up for global view
  • Zoom  for better visibility
  • Associate additional information to graphical items
  • Search the Web page for a definite item (and find it easily)
  • Associate documents to displayed elements
  • Use your own graphical shapes
  • You are looking for a drill-down architecture diagram tool
  • You are looking for a hierarchical navigation within a system of systems model

Your problems

To export manually each diagram and set up manually navigation links is very error prone and time consuming.

Our solution

Amarco can set up automatically web systems that enable 360° degrees navigation through the diagrams and interface of a complex system. You can drill down the diagrams to analyze the organization of a structural component, or climb up to see the environment of that component. This is a full implementation of a hierarchical navigation within a system of systems model!

Amarco generates automatically two linked webs :

  • A high quality graphical Web enabling drill-up / drill-down graphical navigation
  • a hierarchical view of your system enabling drill-up / drill-down navigation using a treeview

Here you find a live example of a static Web page generated automatically by Amarco (for best graphic experience, IE5+ is required). It demonstrates how the analysis  takes into account systems, structures, services, data entities, functions, and related documents, and makes them into an organized web.

Start navigation with the external architecture diagram You start from the most general system view. The diagrams links to lower level system diagrams as well as to the information web.
Start navigation with the the second web - the  hierarchical system view You start from the system hierarchical view as a treeview. It points to web text and graphic pages. All Web pages are generated automatically from the database.
Start navigation with a specialised view - entities used in the system. You start with a diagram showing the entities used in the system. Associated information pages point to more information and related documents.
Start navigation with a graphical specialized view - functions associated with the system. You start with a diagram showing the functions associated with the system. Information pages point to more information and related documents.
Start navigation with a graphical specialised view - embedded system view You start with a view showing an embedded system view.

You navigate the diagrams with a click, Amarco has produced automatically all the required diagrams and associated hyperlinks.

Once generated, you can put this Web on *any* server and provide high quality organized information to your Company.


The final result is a set of structured information. This information can be published directly, or used in conjunction with Amarco Net for additional information regarding each element rendered. The diagrams are of a high graphical quality and provide for navigation inside the complex systems:

  • You click on one inside element (drill down). Amarco Net will display the element's diagram and / or its associated descriptive information
  • You can drill up the graphical hierarchy of a complex system and assess the use of a particular element


Note: Please note that Amarco project, as software tools with automatic drawing capability, is no more pursued. These information are maintained for historical reasons, as an example of the 1995-2005 technology!

That said, we continue to apply Amarco method, as a tool to design and manage complex systems. In the last 7 years it was applied in financial projects, like
this one.