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Improve your Information systems architecture with Amarco

We are a consulting company that developed Amarco method and tools to support our consulting work for the customer project.

The "application" area of this web site shows current examples of Amarco use. You may pay a special attention to the "drill-up, drill-down" example, that demonstrates how your complex systems may be documented and displayed for best understanding and evolution.

Also the live demos show the use of Amarco tools to produce automatically high quality system visualizations.

If you are interested to leverage this kind of results to your own environment, please contact us with your requirements, so we can asses the best response to fulfill them!


Note : Please note that Amarco project, as software tools with automatic drawing capability, is no more pursued. These information are maintained for historical reasons, as an example of the 1995-2005 technology!

That said, we continue to apply Amarco method, as a tool to design and manage complex systems. In the last 7 years it was applied in financial projects, like
this one.