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System visualization

Your requirements

  • You try hard to improve the current presentation of your complex systems
  • You need improve your team communication capability
  • You need improve the upper management communication capability
  • Visualize multiple versions of your system

Your problems

The current solutions you use are not satisfactory

Amarco introduces new possibilities for the visualization of complex systems:

  • Display automatically the external and the internal architecture of a system
  • Route automatically the connection lines for best visibility
  • Reposition information labels to improve visibility
  • Display multiple embedded systems                           
  • Map processes on system structure
  • Select elements to be displayed (objects, interfaces) based on their classification in the underlying database.
  • Switch between process and structure view, thus giving a visible display of the relation between processes and system organization
  • Manage the visualization of large scale systems through a drill down, drill up navigation
  • Improve the process visibility by using Unistep animation feature   

Complex system visualisation

You may vizualize the system cartography as web pages with drill up , drill down navigation capability.
Also you can display and asess multiple versions of your system. Display system and interface version change