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AmarcoPricer - multithreading pricing framework for trading rooms

Using the Amarco architecture concepts and leveraging our latest trading room activity, we designed a working high end multithreaded trader pricing framework, using Windows forms or Excel.

More information here.

Amarco- Information systems architecture
and visualization (cartography)

Amarco our solution for information systems architecture and visualization. It enables drill down navigation inside the details of the systems, as well as drill -up navigation for a global view.

Usage principles

The architecture elements are defined by you and stored in a database. Using Microsoft Visio and the database, Amarco generates automatically great professional diagrams. This diagrams are later used to generate a high quality web with drill-up drill-down capability.


Amarco process cartography using services

Cartography of a process using services (110 Ko)


Animate your Visio process, UML diagrams!

With Unistep you create high impact presentations that would impossible otherwise with Powerpoint or other tools!


Unistep - Process animation